17 MAY 2014
Caring For Large Rabbit Breeds
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Cages | Pet Accesories | Rabbits | Rabbit Food | Pet Inn | Pet Care | Bunny Nature | Newhay
Imagine paws as big as your own hands, ears as long as your arms and teeth as strong as any dog – all covered in colourful fluff and twitchy whiskers! Whether it’s a French or English lop, a Continental or Flemish giant or a giant Papillion, rabbits can really grow to an impressive stature and weigh more than five kilograms.     Giant rabbits can be good natured, affectionate and make really great pets provided they are fed and cared for properly. You need to ensure you can really give a giant rabbit the attention, love, home and vast amounts of food it needs before welcoming one into your extended family. Here are our top tips for looking after giant rabbits: 1. Accommodation Big rabbits mean even bigger homes – think about the bunny version of a castle! A cosy hutch used for smaller rabbit breeds would be like trying to cram an elephant into a Mini! A rabbit-proofed room in a house with a customised dog basket to sleep in or a small shed wou.. [More] rabbit care blog.jpg
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